My Pricelist (approximate):
50 EVs / 13 USD :
Single female with anon
100 EVs / 27 USD :
Couple sex
250 EVs / 67 USD :

Blog Posts by HotVR

Added: 2019-08-22 05:32:55
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to share my last piece with whentai, did this for 2k followers on twitter.
I thought I might share it here too since whentai is the platform where it all started and it helped me grow as an artist.
ps: 3 more girls will be drawn soon^^
Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2019-08-22 10:10:18

    Great work bud. Congrats on the 2k follows too

  • 2019-08-22 11:55:27

    Thanks buddy^^

  • 2019-08-23 02:51:33


  • 2019-08-23 05:03:39

    Congrats on the 2k follows and as always Awesome artwork

  • 2019-08-25 08:19:37

    Thanks guys^^

Added: 2019-07-27 00:14:23
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
So happy the blog is back, how is everyone doing?
I was kinda absent for a while, just posting some of my stuff on here for now.
2 out of 17 MHA girls
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2019-07-27 00:40:50

    I already Loved it and It's Great have you back and as always Keep up the Great work Love your Art style

  • 2019-07-27 00:45:28


Added: 2019-03-25 22:40:32
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
You said new speedpaint HOTVR!!
Here you go:


Discussion: (4 comments)
Added: 2019-03-15 17:07:40
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Oh you asked for a new speedpaint video?
Here you go:

Discussion: (3 comments)
Added: 2019-03-15 01:49:29
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
I have uploaded an animation of this Artwork but whentai doesn't seem to play it.
You can still find it here: External

Turn up the volume as well!! xD

Any feedback is welcome (started learning animation 2 days ago so don't judge to hard^^)
Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2019-03-13 02:44:42
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Just a test animation, still a beginner (2 hours of learning so far xD)
What do you guys think?
ps: I don't know why the video quality is that bad, I have rendered the video in full HD
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2019-03-13 10:13:40

    Great! Maybe more variety within the loop, like one small movement and 1 longer? That's just a suggestion, this is an awesome work!

  • 2019-03-14 17:23:52

    Cool, what's program are you using?

  • 2019-03-14 18:22:24

    Live2D animator

  • 2019-03-15 17:25:53

    yum, nice work!

Added: 2019-02-09 00:34:47
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Sorry for being late on a new speedpaint video.
Here you go:

(btw, every like and subscribe is appreciated, cheers^^)
Discussion: (5 comments)
Added: 2019-01-29 16:27:57
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
I know you guys have been thirsty for more, wait no more!
Newest speedpaint video in online here:

Discussion: (5 comments)
Added: 2019-01-24 18:16:53
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
The long awaited speedpaint video is up. You can find it here:
Alright *stretching arms*, time to start the next one^^
Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2019-01-12 10:14:27
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
The long awaited speedpaind video is up:

Discussion: (1 comments)
Added: 2019-01-08 19:48:25
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Hi everyone,

New speedpaint video is up from Ruji.
The NSFW version will be up soon on whentai, stay tuned^^

Speedpaint video:
Discussion: (6 comments)
  • 2019-01-08 19:49:56

    Now youre kinda spamming it

  • 2019-01-08 19:55:15

    Hi Roy, haven't heard from you for a while, how have you been?

  • 2019-01-08 19:59:25

    Well Mental breakdown what caused me getting rid of 2 commisions for Dragohn and 2 from Chomek1...
    Lot of hateful thoughts and dedication that I wont log back ever again(I failed on that cuz theres sadly two commisions from Dreamrender...)
    And Unsubscription for Pewdipie cuz I dont deserve being 9years old
    Well other than mental hell I created for myself Im dedicated to do a picture daily(Have 13 done since start of 2019...) but I dont wanna submit anything

    So same old bul****- what about you

  • 2019-01-08 20:08:47

    Just sended you peak into these folders with pictures

  • 2019-01-08 21:22:08

    I can understand the mental breakdown but why unsubscribing to pewd?? that is going way too far!!! nah just joking xD

    Take your time homie, if you feel down just watch some pew news^^.

  • 2019-01-08 21:26:42

    :D with pewds its just joke...

    Taking my time... Nah Im gonna ged rid of stuff I Owe and then Im gone

Added: 2019-01-05 14:11:36
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Hi everyone,

New speedpaint video online on my YT page:

Any feedback is welcome^^
Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2018-12-30 23:24:15
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to share my new speedpaint video if anyone is interested in the work progress of one of my art.
YT link:

Any critique is welcome^^
Discussion: (8 comments)
  • 2018-12-30 23:30:29

    What programme is that ?

  • 2018-12-30 23:43:00

    Paint tool sai

  • 2018-12-31 00:08:27

    Nice ! I really like your style ! Especially the way you colour ;)

  • 2018-12-31 00:08:39

    I use ordinary 3D paint XD

  • 2018-12-31 00:20:55

    Thanks EcchiM.
    You should try paint tool sai Chomek1, it is a free software

  • 2018-12-31 06:49:11

    Nice to see your work in action! Your style is really distinctive, especially the color/shading. The hair has a particular fluff to it too.

  • 2018-12-31 22:20:05

    SAI is not exactly free, is just a very old pirated program that it's company ended up giving up after nobody bought it legally in almost all it's life. Since it was pirated very long ago (this was way back in the 2000s!) it just got the fame of being free, mostly in western countries. Only in Japan the users do buy it. Not judging anyone using it, just saying this because not many people did noticed it. Also Happy New Year to all.

  • 2019-01-04 23:25:47

    Yeah, I paid for my copy of Paint Tool Sai because I really like that program, but I've been just using the same key since then. I've moved to using Clip Studio, but I really miss the paint tools in SAI they were so smooth and easy.

Added: 2018-12-13 09:19:29
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Hi everyone,

Does anyone know if the Admins are still active on this site? Didn't get a reply for a long time, Does anyone have a different way of contacting them?
Discussion: (3 comments)
  • 2018-12-13 10:06:29

    Well it only seems logical they would be here since this site brings them money. But maybe they see your blog and will reply now

  • 2018-12-13 11:17:48

    You can still be inactive and get paid passively but I understand your point. Hopefully they will reply soon.

  • 2018-12-13 13:02:15


Added: 2018-11-05 21:22:12
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Late to the party but HAPPY HALLOWEEN everybody, cheers^^
Discussion: (1 comments)
Added: 2018-11-01 11:43:52
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Hi everyone,

Today I received a few messages in my inbox and realized they were from 11 days ago. This is really bad cuz people might ask questions and commissions through PM. Does anyone have the same issue?

Discussion: (18 comments)
  • 2018-11-01 14:06:41

    Yeah It kinda created quite awkward moments cuz I did sended some bad **** Messages

  • 2018-11-01 14:07:54

    the messaging system is always broken here,last time i got messages which were like months old

  • 2018-11-01 14:13:43

    Quite bad if you wanna work on picture for somebody and try to keep him updated on progress

  • 2018-11-01 14:49:05

    Yep, found another bug and fixed it today. More "lost" messages might appear in your Inbox.

  • 2018-11-01 19:32:39

    same, i got a message about a commision 16 days ago :(

  • 2018-11-01 19:33:46

    which i recieved just a few hours ago

  • 2018-11-02 03:36:30

    "New bug", Unless it's just me, apparently, when I read messages, those don't count as read and keep poping-up in my inbox like new messages. I think that's something that happened some time ago. I'm the only one with that issue?

  • 2018-11-02 04:06:23

    It's happening to me as well.

  • 2018-11-02 05:18:16

    It didn't happen to me cause no one likes me enough to message me ? lol

  • 2018-11-02 11:43:35

    Yup just realized. The messages keep being displayed as non read.

  • 2018-11-02 12:04:43

    Same for me. I have 2 messages who stays as non read.

  • 2018-11-02 12:41:24

    Does this have anything to do with why messages i’ve read are staying as unread?

  • 2018-11-02 12:47:24

    try to answer to them that worked for me

  • 2018-11-02 16:02:17

    Messages are definitely broken.

  • 2018-11-03 01:35:11

    I have 2 read the message, but I still have a notification they are unread :/

  • 2018-11-03 01:41:32

    Same, broken message notifications

  • 2018-11-03 07:35:02

    Try it once again, please? Found another bug.

  • 2018-11-03 08:24:21

    now the messages are working, thanks Josuke

Added: 2018-10-30 01:59:04
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Hi everyone,

Wanted to ask if my drawings are a bit dull, color wise. Should I put more saturation on the color? Compared to other pictures on this site, it kinda looks dull somehow. What is your opinion?

Discussion: (20 comments)
  • 2018-10-30 02:08:57

    Dull but not overused cellshading... lets revive old Meme and Say "Its everyday Bro"- I give it Zero Deaths...

  • 2018-10-30 02:15:16

    Thanks for the feedback. Maybe I should have promoted pewds channel on the picture with a "subscribe to pewds" sign xD T-series is painfully close to his sub count...... Alexa, play sad music "Alexa plays despacito", damn it Alexa!

  • 2018-10-30 02:20:30

    I did wanted to try your style on something related to it... like Bdsm beaten Anime girl with
    T-series tattooe... or Pewds Analy ****** Indian girl- well in this case reverse version would be more acurate...
    But I went only with Pinup thats not finnished yet-Keep on checking blog Cuz its gonna be online once I get finally over last commision ...
    ... HunieCam Girls with brofist Buttplug

  • 2018-10-30 02:25:42

    Okay, I am strangely hyped to see it xD and then upload it to pewds subreddit, maybe it will be shown on his next LWIAY xD

  • 2018-10-30 02:34:53

    NO, I dont wanna be in his Video- in his ORIGINAL CONTENT VIDEO... I could make fun of EAT THE *** meme(that paper photo he had to eat...) but I do think that this is the thing that need to be drawn :

  • 2018-10-30 02:35:30

    Not gonna draw him... but ZOEY

  • 2018-10-30 02:37:40

    With Butzplug ... and cigarets... and Alexa... And Edgar

  • 2018-10-30 02:38:41

    That *** is crazy, eating a picture or pewds a hundred days straight xD. Must have diarrhea everyday xD "it's everyday bro, with the toilet seat flow"

  • 2018-10-30 02:39:31

    haha poor Zoey xD

  • 2018-10-30 02:39:33

    Why is every comment I make there Salty, Trolling ... or screaming Fuck you Alexa... damn I forgot this is Cristian Chanel

  • 2018-10-30 02:40:34

    Dude... Its everyday... you made me laught with that poet

  • 2018-10-30 02:41:28

    If pewds would only knew this will be real

  • 2018-10-30 02:48:38

    There one thing I have to do, make a clickbait name and add comment with can this video get 50 000 likes, if yes Ill draw Despacito 69

  • 2018-10-30 04:37:56

    IMO I think it would look better with a bit more saturation and more contrast on the base + shading colors

  • 2018-10-30 04:48:04

    CGC are yousubscribed to Pewds? We need you to beat T-series

  • 2018-10-30 09:06:32

    What attracted me was the unique style and look, so I wouldnt want too much change HotVR, backgrounds can be simplistic if it serves it's purpose. LIke if they were gobbling on demons then you can have a dark dimension kinda thing, but im happy with what you do.

  • 2018-10-30 11:31:03

    @GGC @TOFUK thanks for the feedback guys, appreciated.

  • 2018-10-30 16:53:50

    HotVr we did it... theres 11 times Alexa and 23 times Pewds in comments of this site...
    Not just Mr beast, were saving him too...

  • 2018-10-31 03:26:02

    Nooo. I personally love how you colour your work. I think it's very stylish and effective. Legitimately really dig your colour palettes

  • 2018-10-31 03:57:59

    Thanks Linnetta^^

Added: 2018-09-29 00:17:17
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Hi everyone,

I am trying out new styles and techniques on this one. I am still trying to find the art style I feel most comfortable with and every feedback will greatly help.
I can only post one picture per post, If you want to see the other art style, please feel free to check out my 5 latest uploads on my page.
Thanks in advance for every feedback.
Discussion: (1 comments)
  • 2018-09-30 20:06:02

    I like it, looking forward to seeing the finished project.

Added: 2018-09-27 01:15:53
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Hi everyone,

Artist Rumania and I came up with an idea.
We would like to run a cooperation commission.
The idea is a futa illustration with 2 characters. I was thinking maybe zero two and for Rumania it's Miku.
It could also be a non futa or both.

So what do you guys think and is anyone willing to spend EV's on such a collaboration?

(ps: no idea if it's possible to split the EV's for each of the artists, maybe an Admin could tell us)

Thank you.
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2018-09-27 02:08:32

    The idea is interesting

  • 2018-09-27 04:24:55

    > (ps: no idea if it's possible to split the EV's for each of the artists, maybe an Admin could tell us)

    Could be done manually when submitting the payouts. Just don't forget to send me a message when uploaded the result. As I understand - there will be a single image, right? Then it's better for either one of you take the commission and upload the result, knock me back, and the payment will be split.

Added: 2018-09-26 23:30:37
# Link to the post in HotVR's Blog
Here is a little something for you guys^^

Btw anyone watched "DARLING in the FRANXX" and if yes, can you recommend it?
I think zero two looks freaking hot.
Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2018-09-27 00:15:37

    It's good up until like episode 18 or 19 I think. Then it starts to turn to ****.

  • 2018-09-27 00:47:47

    hmmm.... is it near the ending and is it still worth watching? With so many anime's out now, it's hard to pick a good one. Recently I've been watching many but stopped after a few episodes because they mostly suck. The last one I watched was "Flip Flappers". The animation is top notch.

  • 2018-09-27 01:58:00

    Yea, it's near the end, and while I did enjoy the earlier episodes, I wouldn't say you NEED to see it. It's really good, but I wouldn't call it absolutely amazing. But if you do decide to watch, just know that it turns to **** once the massive exposition episode happens.

  • 2018-09-27 02:27:32

    Aight, thanks for the heads up, will start the first episode tomorrow at work^^

  • 2018-09-27 03:18:09

    I watched for about 14 eps and it had 1 good episode I have no idea why I stayed watching as long as I did.

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All models showed on the pictures, animations and videos were at least 18 years old at the time of the photo/video shoot or creation.